Welcome to City of Rockport City of Rockport, Arkansas....A City of Country Living!
In the City of Rockport, we are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. Small town values, guided growth, preservation of historical, cultural, and natural heritage are just a few of the core principles that makes City of Rockport a wonderful place to call home.
March 03, 2025
As the weather transitions into spring, it's the perfect time to take stock of your home's plumbing system and safeguard against leaks. Did you know that "Fix A Leak Week" is celebrated every March, highlighting the importance of detecting and repairing leaks to conserve water and prevent costly damage?
Read the full article »
Featured News
Rockport City Court temporarily relocated
Rockport City Court will be held at the Hot Spring County Fairgrounds, 1303 Collie Road, in March. This location may continue in April and May, so be sure to check for details before attending court.
Trash pickup - ALERT - weather delay
Due to the continued poor conditions of side streets and back roads, we are unable to pick up trash today. We will try again tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Trash pickup delayed
Trash pickup for this week will be Wednesday, Jan. 15, due to lingering snow and ice coverage on roads. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Trash pickup interrupted
Please note, due to an equipment failure at the solid waste station, the Rockport trash run will be completed tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 26). We apologize for the inconvenience.
Sewer bills increase in 2025
Please note that Rockport sewer bills will increase by $5, effective January 1.
Christmas trash pickup dates
For Christmas week, garbage pickup will be Thursday instead of Tuesday.
That means you can get rid of all the wrapping paper and gift debris immediately, instead of having to wait a week! Remember to break down boxes from expensive toys and bag them, and recycle or bag electronics that you've...
City wide cleanup suspended, extended
Wow! We're loving that so many people are taking advantage of the free drop off for the city-wide cleanup this weekend. But the trailers are full, so we are suspending it for this weekend and will offer it again next Saturday, Nov. 23. Please hold off on dropping more waste until then. Thank you!
Help us clean up Rockport!
Hey, Rockport residents! Are you clearing out closets, the garage, the storage building and all those nooks and crannies during your fall cleaning? Get rid of your junk at thte 2024 city-wide clean-up!
We'll have trailers parked at Rockport City Park for your trash Nov. 15-17. Please be sure to...
Come to Trunk or Treat on Tanner Street
Join the Rockport Police and Fire Departments, Tanner's Towing & Recovery and other local vendors for Trunk or Treat! We'll be across the street from Tanner's Towing & Recovery at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29. All little boos and ghouls welcome!
(And a huge thanks to the vendors making this all...
Delayed garbage pickup
Household trash pickup for this week is delayed and will be picked up next Tuesday, Aug. 22.
PSA for wastewater customers
For all our wastewater customers: please do not tamper with the green wires at the collection tank. Please do NOT cut those wires -- that's what allows us to trace lines. We appreciate your cooperation in this.
Trash pickup summer hours
Due to the onset of hot weather, effective June 4 please have your trash outside and ready for pickup by 6 a.m.
Eclipse effects
In case you missed it, there's a total solar eclipse Monday, April 8. State officials expect a major influx of visitors surrounding this event, impacting traffic at least through Tuesday, April 9.
Hot Spring County Solid Waste stations will be closed Monday and Tuesday, April 8-9. Due to this, we...
Seeking info to ID suspect
See image labeled ID assistance -- we're looking for information to identify this subject.
Aftermath Grants available
Help us get a grant by voting for Rockport!
The Grant voting period began at 5 a.m. on May 25 and ends at 11:59 p.m. June 5, 2023. Once voting period begins, votes can be cast by legal residents of the United States who are 13 years of age or older with a valid email address or social media...
Old Glory Relay 2023 makes Rockport stop
The Old Glory Relay 2023 stopped in Rockport today (May 10, 2023) to switch riders on their trek to Atlanta.
The event is a 50-day relay carrying the American flag 4,000 miles, from Seattle to Atlanta. Volunteers run, bike, hike, walk or otherwise carry the Stars and Stripes every mile of the way....
Fireworks vendors must file permit
In its April 18, 2023, regular meeting, the Rockport City Council approved Ordinance 2023-6, requiring that any individual, corporation, business or other entity wishing to sell fireworks within the city limits of Rockport must file a permit appliation and $50 fee.
The application form is...
Help hungry pollinators
Bees, butterflies and other pollinators are out working -- and you probably are, too. We understand you're anxious to get your yard back in order after the winter. But remember that wildflowers (also known as weeds) are the primary source of food for pollinators right now. So until more plants are...
Support your city with a single word
Did you know you can support your city just by using "Rockport" in your address?
If you live in Rockport, make sure you use that as your street address. For example, we're at 1472 Military Road, Rockport, AR 72104. It's the same ZIP code as our neighboring town, but the U.S. Postal Service...
Rockport names new police chief, welcomes canine officer
The Rockport City Council in January named Toby Morales as the city's new police chief. Morales, who had been part of the department for several years, said he wants to help the city grow and wants law enforcement officers to be a community resource.
He has already taken several steps to improve...