Recent News
The City of Rockport staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Rockport City Court temporarily relocated
Rockport City Court will be held at the Hot Spring County Fairgrounds, 1303 Collie Road, in March. This location may continue in April and May, so be sure to check for details before attending court.
Trash pickup - ALERT - weather delay
Due to the continued poor conditions of side streets and back roads, we are unable to pick up trash today. We will try again tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Trash pickup delayed
Trash pickup for this week will be Wednesday, Jan. 15, due to lingering snow and ice coverage on roads. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Trash pickup interrupted
Please note, due to an equipment failure at the solid waste station, the Rockport trash run will be completed tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 26). We apologize for the inconvenience.
Christmas trash pickup dates
For Christmas week, garbage pickup will be Thursday instead of Tuesday.
Sewer bills increase in 2025
Please note that Rockport sewer bills will increase by $5, effective January 1.
City wide cleanup suspended, extended
Wow! We're loving that so many people are taking advantage of the free drop off for the city-wide cleanup this weekend. But the trailers are full, so we are suspending it for this weekend and will offer it again next Saturday, Nov. 23. Please hold off on dropping more waste until then. Thank you!
Help us clean up Rockport!
Hey, Rockport residents! Are you clearing out closets, the garage, the storage building and all those nooks and crannies during your fall cleaning? Get rid of your junk at thte 2024 city-wide clean-up!
Come to Trunk or Treat on Tanner Street
Join the Rockport Police and Fire Departments, Tanner's Towing & Recovery and other local vendors for Trunk or Treat! We'll be across the street from Tanner's Towing & Recovery at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29. All little boos and ghouls welcome!
Delayed garbage pickup
Household trash pickup for this week is delayed and will be picked up next Tuesday, Aug. 22.
PSA for wastewater customers
For all our wastewater customers: please do not tamper with the green wires at the collection tank. Please do NOT cut those wires -- that's what allows us to trace lines. We appreciate your cooperation in this.
Trash pickup summer hours
Due to the onset of hot weather, effective June 4 please have your trash outside and ready for pickup by 6 a.m.
Eclipse effects
In case you missed it, there's a total solar eclipse Monday, April 8. State officials expect a major influx of visitors surrounding this event, impacting traffic at least through Tuesday, April 9.
Seeking info to ID suspect
See image labeled ID assistance -- we're looking for information to identify this subject.